The epitome of handmade woes... when the machine that drives 90% of my business cracks in half during a round of serging. The needle bent, ricocheting off my upper looper, otherwise known as the do-hickey that is vital to the machine working, and snapped that sucker clear off. R.I.P. Singer Profinish, R.I.P.
I stared at my machine in complete disbelief. This didn’t just happen. Can I fix this? No, definitely can’t fix this myself. Tears welled up, and dread filled my heart, I had destroyed the machine that is the heart of my business.
I frantically took photos of the damage and messaged the only person I know who fixes machines. I panicked. I took an anxiety med. The realization that my serger quite literally is the most vital part of my business hit me like a ton of bricks.
Searching online for the quickest solution- a new machine that could be shipped ASAP. The only problem, no funds to purchase said machine. An expense I was extremely unprepared to endure, after weeks of stocking up and cutting fabrics for two approaching shows as well as orders, has left me with little to no extra funds to purchase a new serger.
It took me about 15 minutes to realize that I needed to do a sale, an Emergency LIVE Sale was going to have to happen. It was the only way I was going to raise enough funds to afford the purchase of a new machine.
I announcd my sale, it was to take place four hours after the incident. The sale went well, I sold 7 scarves while live and another 8 since then. Once all invoices have been paid, I should be able to afford the new Brother machine I was eyeing on Amazon.
So why do I feel failure today? I woke up feeling so sad, and worried. Maybe the realization that some things are out of my control. Maybe the thought that a machine basically runs my business. Maybe it was the thought that, this decision, to sew and sell goods is a huge risk. That leaving a career I loathed, but had financial security with, will forever haunt me.
Sometimes following your dreams leaves you heart broken, scared and questioning... I hope one day that I can overcome these fears. I hope that a new machine will be in my hands this weekend. That I am able to sew my orders, and my pieces cut for my shows.
I’m so grateful for my customers, those who have purchased from me from the beginning, who support my highs and lows, who wait patiently whilst I sew their orders. Last night and today I am reminded that I am not alone in the journey, that this dream is not only my own, but that of others as well. People who live vicariously through my leap to following my heart.
Rest In Peace sweet Singer ProFinish, you were good to me for seven years, you helped me launch my dreams into a reality. Now to move onto a new machine, and some way to keep my hands and brain focused while I’m unable to sew.
Brittany Carress Photography
Peace, Love & Tie Dye
Tami Elizabeth